
Zerigo: Pods (VPS), Watchdog (monitoring), and DNS

Just a quick note to introduce a few services I’ve had a hand in developing.

Zerigo Pods are high-performance, easy to use virtual private servers (VPS’s). Zerigo Watchdog is a simple (and free!) server monitoring service. Zerigo NS is a straightforward DNS service (also free!) with a REST API.


Here are some more details on each of the services. Hope you find them useful. Comments can be left below (as always) or sent directly to Zerigo. Let me know if you have other ideas too.

Zerigo Pods

Zerigo Pods are high-performance virtual private servers. Running your choice of several Linux distributions, Pods give you:

Pods are very easy to setup and can be ready to use in just a couple of minutes. There are no setup fees or contracts. A variety of server sizes are available and they can be upgraded/downgraded at any time.

Zerigo Watchdog

Zerigo Watchdog is a server monitoring service. It makes it really quick and easy to keep an eye on your shared host, VPS, dedicated server, or whatever else you use to host things.

Basic service is free.

Zerigo NS

Key features are:

Basic service is free.

tags: zerigo, dns, pods, vps, monitoring