
Rails 2.3 compatible version of limited_sessions is ready

Rails 2.3 made a lot of changes in how requests are handled. Most (all?) of this has to do with its new support for Rack. Anyway, all of these changes left Rails 2.3 incompatible with the last version of the Limited Sessions plugin.

So, here’s a shiny new version of Limited Sessions to go with your shiny new version of Rails.

It can be retrieved via subversion from the same location as always:

I’ve also copied the old version, compatible with Rails 2.0 – 2.2, which is now available at:

Note that the configuration option names are very different between the two versions, so if you’re not using the default settings, upgrading to the new version /will/ require some attention.

limited sessions

tags: plugins, limited_sessions, rack, ruby, rails