apache, mod_proxy_balancer, and mongrel
a brief hint about setting up apache 2.2’s mod_proxy_balancer with a mongrel cluster.
if you receive a permission error, “client denied by server configuration” when accessing your apache install, check the proxy configuration. in this case that means the proxy balancer configuration. an example working config:
1<Proxy balancer://mongrel_cluster>
2 BalancerMember
3 BalancerMember
4 Order deny,allow
5 Deny from all
6 Allow from all
the key is the last 3 lines, Order…, Deny…, and Allow….
this usually comes from a more general proxy permissions config:
1<Proxy *>
2 Order deny,allow
3 Deny from all
this protects against other kinds of proxy support in apache being publicly accessible, and is a good thing. so leave that in place, and just specifically allow access to the balancer proxy.
tags: mod_proxy_balancer, apache, mongrel